Covid-19 related deaths:
Profile of cases treated at the Hospital Center of Oran- Algeria
Messid Bouziane Meflah Houria, Zoubir S, Mouffok Nadjet , Terki Khadîdja, Mouffok Nadjet, Benzoubara Samira, Belkadi Sid ahmed, Zaoui Farouk, Bensaadoun FZ, Besbes FZ, Daoud Souad, Benrabah Lydia
Faculty of Medicine - University of Oran 1 Ahmed BENBELLA, Algeria
Email: nadiadr11@yahoo.fr
Phone: 00213 554360393
*Corresponding Author: Messid Bouziane Meflah .Houria,Faculty of Medicine - University of Oran 1 Ahmed BENBELLA, Algeria
Objective: The objective of this work was to describe the profile of cases of death linked to severe Covid-19 infection.
Method: This is a retrospective descriptive study carried out on 144 cases of death linked to severe SARS-COV-2 infection hospitalized at El Kerma hospital – CHU Oran during a period of 4 months, from July 1 2021 to October 31, 2021 (period which corresponds to the wave of the DELTA variant).
Results: We collected 144 cases of death linked to severe SARS-COV-2 infection. More than 60% were aged over 60 years with a predominance of the male sex (80%),89% of deaths had comorbidities, the most common of which were hypertension, followed by diabetes. The triad dominated the clinical signs: asthenia (73.3%), headache (67.1%) and fever (63%). The main biological abnormalities observed were an increase in the inflammation marker (CRP) and hyperglycemia. The average length of hospitalization was 12 ± 9 days.
Conclusion: The Covid-19 pandemic is a threat to public health security; it turns out to be a complex disease, because it is viral, then inflammatory. Our study allowed the collection of epidemiological, clinical, radiological and biological data on cases of death linked to severe SARS-COV-2 infection to better understand the problem of the fatal course of the disease and optimize the management of patients.
Keywords: Death - Severe Covid-19 infection – profiles -Oran -Algeria