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10:00-10:15--- Meet and Greet
Day 2, Sunday, February 20, 2022
10:15-10:40 IST
Title: Understanding complexity of recurrences in movement data of depressed individuals
by Sandip Varkey George, University College London, London

Day 2, Sunday, February 20, 2022
10:40-10:55 IST
Title: Effectiveness of Nerve Activation to Language Ability and Concentration on Children
by Dr. Erna Marina Kusuma, Vier Psychology Services, Indonesia

Day 2, Sunday, February 20, 2022
11:00-11:30 IST
Title: A study to explore the emotional intelligence and stress coping strategies among nursing students in selected colleges at Namakkal District- Hermeneutic phenomenological circle approach
by K. Jothilakshmi, Dhanvantri college of Nursing, India

11:30 onwards--- Questionnaire
Ask any question from our speakers. The questions will be open to all. You may discuss and ask for suggestion, solutions and the opportunity will be limitless. You may also choose to cast your vote on the conference page.
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