Study of survival without progression local of non-metastatic breast cancer
Messid Bouziane Meflah H. , Daoud S., Terki Kh., Besbes FZ, Benrabah L., Mokhtari L.
Faculty of Medicine - University of Oran 1 Ahmed BENBELLA, Algeria
Introduction: Breast cancer is a real public health problem. The objective of this work was to estimate the survival without progression local at 10 years of non-metastatic female breast cancer and to determine the main prognostic factors, which condition this survival in the wilaya of Oran-Algeria.
we carried out a retrospective study on 247 incident cases of non-metastatic female breast cancer diagnosed between January 1st, 2007 and December 31st, 2009. The patients included in the study were residents of the province of Oran and had a clinical record at the University Hospital Center of Oran. The survival without progression local analysis was carried out according to the Kaplan Meier
Method. To study the characteristics of the prognostic factors, the survival of patients was calculated in univariate analysis by the Log-rank test; in multivariate analysis by the Cox model.
Results :
At the point date, December 31st, 2018, we noted rates of survival without progression local at 10 years of 90 %. In the univariate analysis, survival without progression local was affected (p<0.05) by tumor size, lymph node involvement, Molecular Classes and loco-regional Radiotherapy. In the multivariate analysis, Luminal class B her2 positive (HR : 4,27 ; IC à 95% [1,11-16,36] ; p=0,03) and the absence of loco-regional Radiotherapy had an adverse effect on survival without progression local at 10 years.
Luminal class B her2 positive and the absence of loco-regional Radiotherapy were associated with significantly higher risk local relapse of breast cancer.
Keywords: Survival without progression local at 10 years, Prognostic factors, Non-metastatic female breast cancer