sam. 17 déc.
|International Conference on Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy 2022
International live Conference on Cerebral Palsy
Time & Location
17 déc. 2022, 20:00 – 23:00 UTC+5:30
International Conference on Cerebral Palsy
About the Event
International Live Conference on Cerebral Palsy
is set to take place on December 17, 2022, as our members work to make sure that the services and assistance offered to people with disabilities that first manifest in childhood are both efficient and worthwhile.
Early childhood is when a group of mobility problems known as cerebral palsy (CP) first manifest. Poor coordination, stiff, weakened, and trembling muscles are a few of the signs and symptoms that can vary from person to person and with time. Sensation, vision, hearing, and speaking may all be affected. Babies with cerebral palsy frequently do not sit up, roll over, crawl, or walk as early as other children their age. Seizures and issues with reasoning or thinking, which each affect around one-third of persons with CP, are additional symptoms. Although symptoms may become more obvious throughout the first few years of life, fundamental issues do not get worse over time.
3 heuresScientific Program
Zoom webinar
Prix libreVente expiréeSpeakers (Free Registration)
0,00 $USVente expiréeAttendees
Prix libreVente expiréeAttendees
0,00 $USVente expiréeStudent
Prix libreVente expiréeStudent (Free)
0,00 $USVente expirée
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